Saturday, 3 August 2013


This is my favourite drink ever. My 1st memory of milkshake is at Shakey's Pizza when I was 8 or 9 years old.

I have tasted this drink from various places and here are my review.

Dais inspiration

Dais... in malay we call it as pelamin. Antara idea untuk yg sedang cari pelamin.

What have I studied

"An actuary is someone who wanted to become an accountant, but didn't have the personality for it".

So these are some Math subjects that Actuarial Science student will have to study:
1) Probability
2) Statistics
3) Mathematical Statistics
4) Algebra
5) Calculus
6) Linear Algebra
7) Differential Equation
8) Actuarial Maths

And yes, you also need to learn Finance subject:
1) Financial Accounting
2) Microeconomic
3) Macroeconomic
4) Financial Management
5) Investment and Portfolio Analysis
6) Econometric
7) Risk Management
8) Financial Risk Management

The hardcore subject:
1) Life Contingency
2) Actuarial Planning & Control
3) Insurance & Takaful
4) Survival Model & Ruin Theory
5) Stochastic Process

You also need to have some programming knowledge such as:
1) Java Programing
2) C++
3) VBA

After you graduate, you are not an Actuary yet unless you pass the Professional Paper (super crazy tough).

An interesting song about actuary from Youtube

Now I'm kind of miss my campus life. I love to study rather than get money from working.


どうぞ よろしく おねがいします (dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu)